Cancer New Moon On July 4
Happy Birthday America! There's a new moon coming up this July 4 in the watery zodiac sign of cancer. Cancers are the first water sign in...

Ending Separation From Your Twin Flame and How You Can Heal Each other
A twin flame connection is so intense that their energies mirror and reflect back at each other. They share a special soul mate...

Uniting and Attracting Your Twin Flame\Soulmate Using Affirmations,
When it comes to attracting your twin flame or soulmate, one of the most effective and powerful ways to do so are using affirmations. As...

Super Moon In Aries On April 7
This April 7th, we’re going to be encountering a New Moon, in the fiery zodiac sign of Aries. not only is it going to be a full moon but...

11:11 Twin Flame Meaning & Journey
Have you ever noticed you've been seeing the repetitive numbers 1111 or 111, 2222, 1212, or even 3333 in any form of way? It can appear...

St. Patrick's Day History And Celebration
This Thursday March 17th is Saint Patrick's Day or what's also called "the feast of Saint Patrick." This is a cultural as well as...

Using Feng Shui To Attract Your Soulmate and Twin flame Love
Spring is just around the corner! The first day of spring (or what's also known as the vernal equinox) is on March 20, 2016 at 12:30 AM...

Leap Year 2016 and It's Spiritual Meaning
This Sunday, February 29th is leap day. Years that have leap day are called leap years and they land on February 29th. This year 2016 is...

Tips For Celebrating Valentine's Day Without Your Soulmate or Twin flame
This Sunday, On February 14th, is valentine's day. this day is celebrated all over the world. Valentine's day is derived from many...

New Moon In Aquarius and Chinese New Year's Fire Monkey
We have a new moon coming up this Monday at 2:39 PM UTC and will be falling under the innovative and eccentric zodiac sign of Aquarius....