What To Do If Your Twin Flame or Soulmate Isnt Waking Up From Separation
Most often when twin flames meet, they go thru this phase where they separate from each other. Its most often referred to as the runner...

Tips For Surviving Valentine's Day Without Your Twinflame\Soulmate
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! It’s a beautiful holiday celebrating all love and relationships. It's a day of celebrating...

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide For Soulmates & Twin Flames
Mercury retrograde is here! On January 30 to February 20 in the air sign of Aquarius. The pre-retrograde shadow already began on the 15th...

Twin Flame Manifestations To Help Reunion
So often when twin flames meet, they usually always go through a period of separation, the runner and chaser phase. This leaves us...

Winter Solstice Soulmates & Twin Flames & The Christmas Star
For the first time in 800 years, Jupiter and Saturn will line up to create what is known as the “Christmas Star” some believe this gift...

December 12:12 Portal Soulmates & Twin Flames
This Friday is the 12:12 portal, and is a powerful cosmic portal where we receive intuitive messages, spiritual growth, prophetic dreams,...

Twin Flame & Soulmate Sabotages In Relationships
A twin flame Relationship is the most challenging but, also the most rewarding aspects of our lives and this can also be for soulmates as...

Scorpio New Moon What We Need To Know Soulmates & Twin Flames
We have a super new moon tomorrow on November 15 in the strong psychic sign of Scorpio. The spiritual meaning of this new moon brings is...

November 11 Twin Flames & Soulmates Gateway Portal
Get ready because on November 11th, there will be a spiritual gateway, and it will be very powerful!! This gateway will be making your...

Halloween Twin Flame Blue Moon
This Halloween, October 31st we have a blue moon, and this is the second full moon of this month making it a very powerful and auspicious...