Manifest Twin Flame Union (This works for Soulmates too!!)

Twin flame connections are the highest form of spiritual partnership, your twin flame reunion was orchestrated by yourself, your twin, and your guides before you were even born! But! You have to be at the right level of spiritual awareness for a twin flame meeting to occur,

1. Work On Being The Best Version Of Yourself
Manifesting your twin flame and soulmate really begins when you start working on yourself, aligning yourself with your soul purpose is a great way to start. When you are aligned with the universe you are living the version of your best self. This creates the space for the twin flame union and meeting your soulmate as well!

2. Know Yourself!
Know yourself on a level that’s so deep you’re not looking for validation from others, or other people’s approval. You have to know yourself as the goddess, or god that you are. You are tuning into the higher self-esteem, trusting that you alone are enough to fill yourself.

3. Being Full Of Abundance
It starts when you come from a place of abundance, you see the world as your twin flame, and you’re not looking at others and asking yourself “is this the one?” “Are you my twin flame?” instead you are simply just full of deep love, deep love for yourself, love for the planet, and for everyone.
Do not run those old fantasy stores, thinking things like “if my twin flame or soulmate comes then my life will be perfect.” Those kinds of thoughts are only going to attract a twin flame or soulmate counterfeit, karmic soulmates or false twin flames.
***It’s all about falling in love with yourself, and stepping into your higher self.***
