How the Autumn Equinox Helps Both Us & Our Relationships

On Monday September 23, the autumn equinox will take place, at 3:50 AM EST. The autumnal equinox marks the official beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere, and for our friends in the southern hemisphere, the vernal equinox happens on the same day as the autumnal equinox. That marks the official beginning of spring.
Both the autumnal and vernal equinoxes happen at the same moment all over the world but are converted to local time. Everyone on this planet, regardless of his or her time zone will feel the big energy shift that the equinox brings.
It’s a spiritual time of year and the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds are thin, which makes it a very good time to meditate, connect to your spirit guides and angels. Psychic Energy will be more enhanced and makes it a good time to seek out a spiritual guru, guidance, psychic reading, and reiki/chakra cleansing.

The autumn Equinox is a reminder to us that we need to bring balance into our lives and to take ownership of the direction we are heading in. But it also brings a balance between dark and light, the feminine and the masculine of the outer and inner. Even Soulmates and Twin flame connections are brought to higher vibration.
After the autumn equinox, nights become longer than days, bringing us into a period of darkness. It is time to respect and appreciate the darkness, because it is so necessary for growth. Autumn represents the Harvest time of year, a time to acknowledge abundance as our natural state of being. Our lives go through cycles of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth just as we see in nature
The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life in nature, and within this cycle many ancient cultures believed this as a powerful deeper message for humanity.
Indigenous cultures perceived earth-based wisdom and saw that the four focal points of the year were, the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox, and that each season highlights the stages of an inner spiritual journey, that its a spiritual cycle that everyone takes within themselves.

Clean and Declutter
It’s a really good time now to clean and declutter our workspaces, homes, offices, and even our cars. When we take the time this time to go within and empty out space we are creating fertile soil for our creativity and greater visions.

Working Inwards
Also, if you have any unresolved past wounds, now is a really good time to try to work through them. Autumn helps us to let go of anything that’s been harming us and can help us get clarity on what we may haven’t let go of. Something’s that can help you do so are to breathe in and say, “I forgive you” and then exhale and say, “I release you.” Go through out your day while saying this and you will notice a big impact on how you feel and think towards everything.
When we clear out clutter, physically and even mentally, in the autumn, we go into dormancy and rest in the darkness of winter. Winter is the time of year of healing, when the cold and freezing becomes the healing that sets the soil for spring and our rebirth.

Heal and Let go
The autumn equinox is a Time for letting go and releasing things that may have been a burden and start fresh. We are preparing for a new beginning and the same with our love relationships. This time gives us a chance to repair our situations and restart.
This is the time to balance the light in the darkness within us. When it comes to masculine and positive energies with the Soulmates, You may experience some chaotic energy in the love area; just know that it is part of the energy shifts that has just happened.

Spiritual Transformation
If you’re currently in a relationship, now is not an ideal time to get into serious discussions. With autumn equinox it represents the darkness working through spiritual transformation. Soulmates and twin Flames will feel a very powerful Energy source to their core.
It’s really a time of love and giving appreciation for everything and everyone in your life. This is a time with acceptance and giving in abundance, as the holidays are just around the corner.
Many people during this time think they can’t move forward, but it’s actually a time of rebirth, re calibrating, and renewal for everything our lives. The autumn equinox brings renewal, new beginnings and starting over again with abundance of growth blooming in our life to move forward and start off fresh in many different positive areas.

Have Gratitude
Its also a really good time to give gratitude for everything in our lives, even just being around nature, having gratitude for fall and to set out our intentions and goals for the next year to come.
The importance of the Autumnal Equinox is a time of year where we activate our new growth cycle. As rest and we become silent we are allowing space for our greater vision to come in.
As the days get shorter and the nights grow longer, we descend into the darkness of the night and face our own inner darkness within, like the ego and the subconscious, it’s to prepare us for the birth of the Light within, celebrated at the winter solstice.